Thanks to the generosity of the Moulton family, 82 acres of land have been added to Moulton Park along the Shenandoah River in Jefferson County, West Virginia.
In 1976, the Moulton family donated the original three acres of Moulton Park to Jefferson County Parks and Recreation Commission (JCPRC) to ensure ongoing public access and recreation.
Almost 50 years later, the family’s generosity continued. A June 2023 bargain sale (less than fair market value) of their adjacent 82-acre farm expanded Moulton Park, achieving a significant conservation and recreation outcome for the community.
Chesapeake Conservancy, JCPRC and West Virginia Land Trust worked collaboratively to secure public and private funds to acquire the property. Following a formal planning process, the expanded park will include hiking trails, camping facilities, an outdoor pavilion and parking infrastructure to alleviate congestion and related issues along the Shenandoah River.
To learn more about how you can leave a lasting legacy for future generations like the Moutlon family, visit [INSERT NEW LINK] or contact Matthew Provost at
Feature Photo by Marielle Scott/Chesapeake Bay Program with aerial support by SouthWings